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How To Maintain A Hydraulic Valve

You must know how to do proper maintenance of hydraulic valves to make it run longer and function properly. You must take note of your maintenance schedules and make sure you follow them. You must never miss a maintenance schedule.

The machines play important roles for industries. Some machines need hydraulic fluids for them to function properly. Hydraulic valves are the ones who control the transfer of hydraulic fluids by the machines in your factory. If you have a defective valve then your machine will be affected and your operations will suffer. Maintaining your valve will assure reliability and continuous run for your machines especially in times you really need them to run. You must know how to do proper maintenance of the valves to make it run longer and function properly. You must take note of your maintenance schedules and make sure you follow them. You must never miss a maintenance schedule.


The first step in maintaining the hydraulic valves is to know and be familiarized with the different parts of the valves and how to disassemble it and how to assemble it back. Refer to article parts of a hydraulic valve to know the different parts you need to know. You must maintain the cleanliness of the valves to assure that they are free of dirt and other things that may clog its ports. Once you have disassembled the valve, check the different parts that easily worn out like the o-rings. Discard the used o-rings to make sure that they will not cause leaks and breakdown for your system once you are in the middle of operations.

Remove burrs and nicks of different parts to assure that they are smooth and will not be penetrated by hydraulic fluids. Some parts move or slide together with other parts. Any burrs may cause contamination or friction for different parts. All moving and sliding parts should be smooth. All the disassembled parts must be cleaned and dried properly before assembling them back. Always inspect the plunger seats and valve body for wear so that you will know which parts to repair. You must inspect them thoroughly so that you won't miss these worn-out parts and use them even if they are already defective.

Inspect the different parts of the valve including the springs and tapered portion of the pin to be assured that they are not worn-out and will last again up to your next maintenance schedule. Proper lubrication of the different parts of the valve is needed to assure there will be no friction and different parts will function properly. The lubricant should be a clean hydraulic fluid recommended by your supplier. Assemble the different parts of the valve properly. Make sure you follow the manual if you are not yet familiar with its assembly.

Test your assembly first and make sure it functions properly before connecting with the machine. Do test runs to assure that you did not miss anything and your installation is correct. Always monitor what you have done before considering your maintenance successful. Hydraulic valves play an important part for your machines and its maintenance should always be considered. You can assure that your machine will run longer and will not have unexpected breakdowns as long as you maintain it properly.